Friday, August 28, 2009

Coaching by DISC

如何帶好手下的人一直是當老闆以來常常煩惱的事,HR推薦我參加一個leveraging intellectual capital by coaching的課程,挺有幫助的。裡面介紹一個簡稱DISC的方法,把人在工作場所的個性風格依照Active vs Passive及Task- vs Friendship-oriented分成四種組合:
Active + Task -> Dominance
Active + Friend -> Influence
Passive + Friend -> Steadiness
Passive + Task -> Compliance



Unknown said...

This is interesting. Few more explanation on Wikipedia

YI-CHENG said...

It looks very interesting. BTW, my landlord (9910 Inglemere...) misses you so much, and he often mentioned you.:)

Kai said...

Oooh! I didn't know you are living there. Help me say hi to him. I also talked about him a lot with my wife.

YI-CHENG said...

I moved in on June 5th and will move out and back to Seattle on March 15th 2010. He talked some stories about you and some restaurants you visited often.=] I will say HI to him on your behalf.
Hope everything is going well with you and your family.