Useful software on Mac (with native Apple Silicon ARM64 support):
1. Homebrew:
2. Mounty: to r/w NTFS.
* install Mounty by homebrew as it will automatically install ntfs-3g and macfuse:
brew install gromgit/fuse/mounty3. Skim: lightweight tab PDF reader
* Use "defaults write -app Skim AppleWindowTabbingMode -string always" to enable opening in tab by default.
4. CloudFlare WARP: secure wifi access
5. BBEdit: all-round free editor.
* Add this to make BBEdit as the default editor in command-line:
export EDITOR="/Applications/"
6. ToyViewer: lightweight image viewer (App Store)
7. RealVNC
Scientific software:
1. FSL: If the installer didn't stop after 100% complete, just kill it by Ctrl+C. It will be ready to use.
2. ANTs (need to compile for ARM64)
* Set the following in .bashrc to enable multicore support:
3. Visual Studio Code: powerful IDE for almost any coding.
4. Julia: super fast Matlab-like software.
* Set the following for multicore support:
5. MRIcroGL: powerful Nifti viewer/converter.
6. Xcode command line tools: for compile. Install by "xcode-select –install".
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